报告时间: 7月25日 15:00
报告地点: 闻天楼 南楼208
报告人: Jarah Evslin
Jarah Evslin于1997年在美国加州理工大学获得物理和数学双学位;2001年获得美国加州大学Berkeley分校物理博士学位。目前是近代物理研究所外籍专家。从事中微子物理、宇宙学、高能物理、弦理论等方面的研究工作。
Discover Magazine, Jan-Feb 2012 issue, "Top 100 Stories of 2011 #1: Faster than Light" http://discovermagazine.com/2012/jan-feb/01
China Radio Internat. Dec. 2011, http://english.cri.cn/8706/2011/12/02/2861s669846.htm
Science News Magazine, issues 444-446, Oct-Dec 2011, www.science-weekly.cn (in Chinese)
Using only Ia supernova (SN) observations, it is not possible to distinguish the evolution of the SN absolute magnitude M from an arbitrary evolution of the Hubble parameter H(z). However, using Etherington's distance-duality relation, which relates the angular and luminosity distances, together with the observed angular baryon acoustic oscillation (BAO) scale at any redshift z, one may calibrate an effective M(z). This calibration involves a scale which depends on the cosmological model, however the evolution of the effective M(z) between two redshifts with BAO observations is independent of this scale. The line of sight BAO scale can be used to extend this calibration to redshifts near z.
Referred paper :arxiv: 1605.00486