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Meade(米德)5“ LXD75 AR_5

2019年01月07日 05:54  点击:[336]

Meade 5" LXD75 AR-5 Achromatic Refracting Telescope

Meade 5" LXD75 AR-5 Achromatic Refracting Telescope provide a new level of sophistication and precision at a moderate price. A revelation of advanced electronic and software design, the exclusive patented Meade Autostar system, included as standard equipment for Meade 5" LXD55 AR-5 Achromatic Refracting Telescope, such advantage permits an amazing range of capabilities never before offered on telescopes in this price and aperture class. Meade 5" LXD55 AR-5 Achromatic Refracting Telescope comes with objective lenses that resolve to the theoretical limits for their apertures, Meade 5" LXD55 refractors present all of the diffraction-limited optical performance obtainable from the classical 2-element achromat design. Deep-space images, in particular, are rich in resolution and contrast, with a minimum of chromatic aberration.


Specifications for Meade 5" LXD55 AR-5 Achromatic Refracting Telescope:


"Optical Design: Achromatic refractor


Clear Aperture: 127mm (5"")


Focal Length, Focal Ratio: 1143mm; f/9


Resolving Power (arc secs.): 0.9


Optical Coatings: multi-coated


Ultra-High Transmission Coatings: Upon purchasing


Limiting Visual Magnitude (approx.): 12.8


Limiting Photographic Magnitude (approx.): 15.3


Image Scale (degs./inch): 1.26°/inch


Maximum Practical Visual Power: 350x


35mm Angular Film Coverage: 1.19° x 1.70°


Optical Tube Dimensions (dia. x length): 6.3"" x 41""


Counterweights: 1 x 10 lbs.


Tube Body: aluminum


Mount Castings: aluminum


Objective Lens: BK7; F2


Total Net Telescope Weight: 49 lbs.


Telescope Shipping Weight (approx.): 73 lbs.


Field Tripod Height all models: 27"" - 43"", variable


Telescope Mounting:  LXD55, German-type


Setting Circle Diameters, RA and Dec.: 2.25""


Polar Illuminated Viewfinder: included


RA Control System: 9-speed, microprocessor-controlled, 12v DC, 72mm (2.83"") worm gear


Declination Control System: 9-speed, microprocessor-controlled, 12v DC, 72mm (2.83"") worm gear


Hemispheres of Operation: North and South


GO TO Pointing Precision (approx.): 15 arc mins.


Slow-Motion Controls: electric, both axes


Bearings: journal bearings: RA: 1 x 55mm, 1 x 35mm; Dec: 1 x 62mm, 1 x 33mm


Autostar Hand Controller: PIC 16C57 microcontroller; 2 line x 16 alphanumeric character display; 20-button keypad, red LED backlit


Main Telescope Controller: Motorola 68HC11 microprocessor; 1-Megabyte flash memory (field reprogrammable) 32K RAM


Batteries (user-supplied): 8 x D-cells


Battery Life (approx.): 40 hours


Onboard Celestial Object Database: 30,223 objects


Slew Speeds both axes: 1x, 2x, 8x, 16x, 64x, 128x sidereal; 1.5°/sec., 3°/sec., 4.5°/sec.


Tracking Rates: sidereal, lunar, or custom-selected from 2000 incremental rates"


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